Day 25 — Talk to Strangers | Kio Stark | 100 Days 100 Thoughts
Howdy Folks !!
Many of you might have been bored with continuous weight loss and healthy eating posts. Now moving away, I chose this wonderful talk by Kio Stark on communicating with strangers. In a country like India it is not something which is uncommon, but we are missing that culture in recent times. When was the last time we spoke to a stranger? Watch this wonderful video.

Welcome Back !!
Technology has taken all of us away from people. When was the last time while travelling in public transport we shared a smile with our co-passengers. We tend to get glued to our phones and avoid human contacts as much as possible. What made us go from helping out of our ways to strangers to this? I am not saying go out of your way to serve others but share a warm smile while making eye contact with a stranger.

This is something which was an integral part of our culture but avoiding human interaction is not going to help us anymore. Kio Stark’s talk is one of the best talks and much-needed one at this age. Talk to a stranger, it helps you shed your assumptions and opens up our minds. We never know what we would get from anyone. Stark explains how it can be benefitting and at the same time why we need to overcome this fear. Talking to strangers is more about that and gives us a fresh perspective and makes us feel better as well. Anything which makes us feel better is good.