100 Days 100 Thoughts | Day 14 — Wendy Suzuki
Howdy Folks !!
I was talking about the importance of exercises throughout. One of my friends told me that, he relies more on his brain than the physical strength. He felt exercise is making him tired and rather than working on strengthening his muscles he said he would opt for flexing his grey matter. But what is the way to strengthen your brain? The answer is so simple, it is exercise 🙂 Watch this awesome talk by Wendy Suzuki on the topic, “The brain-changing benefits of exercise.”

Welcome Back !!
The speaker explains in detail about the great benefits of exercise. The more you exercise better your hippocampus and prefrontal cortex gets. Exercise is the only way to flex your brain. Increase the heartbeat and opt for High-Intensity workouts to gain the most out of it. The key here is not questioning the best exercise but rather start doing it.

If you think Jump Ropes will help you, then explore the same. If you think you are interested in strength training then go ahead and explore with barbells and dumbbells. If you are interested to explore calisthenics then you have everything you need, so go ahead. You think you can only spend 5–15 minutes per day, go for HIIT or Tabata. Do not think and research for the best exercise to start, rather start with an exercise which you like and push your limits. Then explore the other forms. The key here is cultivating the habit of exercising in you. This post is to say that exercise is not something that concerns only about muscles but rather it concerns the brain too. Now, you don’t have any excuses for not exercising. Start your workout journey from today, if you haven’t already !!