Today I happen to come across an interesting quote which says "It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not." This made a lot of sense on the surface but then we believe who we are is entirely different from who we are. This conflict is perennial and it is perfectly okay to become who you want to be by putting in a lot of effort. Being honest and understanding who you are is the first step and then who you want to be is the next step. Once you figure out both of these then you will know what you have to do. As the person who shared this quote says, you need to make a wise choice. #ThursdayThoughts #InstaQuotes #InstaBlogging #Quotes #thoughtfortheday #DailyQuotes #LuciferIsAnAngelBeforeHeWasDevil#ItsNotWhoYouAreUnderNeathWhatYouDoDefinesYou#AppadiyeHansZimmerMusicPodungada