Fear is the most underrated emotion of among all the available emotions. What fear can achieve is something beyond all of our imagination. At the same time, fear also holds the power to destroy someone more effectively than anything else. In this quote by Yoda, one of the wisest characters ever created in the history of cinema shows the journey of Fear. A tiny spark called Fear can ignite and create an empire of Hatred. Understanding and overcoming fear is the key. In this day May 4th be with you, embrace and manifest the force in you.#StarWars #Maythe4thbewithyou #StarWarsDay #InstaQuotes #InstaBlogging #InstaBlog#AryamaanPathiPostPotathaalaIthulaEthumPannaVenamonuPaakren#VedhanayagamNaBayamEnakkuBayamIllaAthukuIthaanSample#TypePannumbothuPrimeLaBigilOdinathaalaPunchPunchaaVaruthu