All of us wanted to be the chosen one at some point in our life. Being the chosen one is so special, our dreams were woven around it. All of us wanted to come out victoriously with the flying cape and a blazing smile of achievement which says your legacy. But while thinking about all these you might sigh in disappointment that you are not the chosen one. You don't have to worry, all you need to do is that you need to believe that you are the chosen one and work on it, you will achieve it. Morpheus believed in Neo and he is not even ready to listen to an alternate theory, he believed in it, NEO achieved it. #PositiveThoughts #InstaQuotes #InstaThoughts #Thoughts #ThoughtAggregator #Quotes #DailyQuotes#NammalaNaameNambalainnaOoruEppadiNambum#AthavaathuNaanOruPrabalamNuSolliSolliPrabalamAaguraMathiri
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