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"A snowbird is a person who migrates from the colder northern parts of North America to warmer southern locales, typically during the winter," says Wikipedia. A Snowbird is a wise person who knows that he/she has to struggle a lot during the winter and it is better to avoid the situation for their better living. These are the people who want to keep ties with their family and move away from the place for a short period of time, they wait till the winter ends and then they come back. They know that the situation will be back to normal and they wish to spend their life at their place yet they chose to move to a new place for survival or reduce their struggle by moving to a new place for a limited period so that they live conveniently. This is the most intriguing thing about them, and this lifestyle. You get the best of both worlds, you can be a gypsy and can have a home. This flexibility is what we must learn from this lifestyle. It can be summarised as choosing your battle and choosing your priorities. Snowbirding also has its struggles so is staying in winter. Choosing your battle makes the difference. #ThursdayThoughts #Thoughts #Quotes #InstaBlog #InstaBlogging #ThoughtAggregator#RoadulaMaaduVanthaOthungiPoganum#NaaiKolachaNadanthuPoganumNadungiOdaKoodathu

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